In 2018/7/1, I’ll play at Suidoubashi Ftarri. Other performers are Duo of Suzueri and Ikeda Ken, Trio of Tokisato Mitsuru, Kobayashi Muku and Nakamura Toshimaru.
7/1 (Sun)19:00 Open 19:30 Start 2,000Yen
- Ikeda Ken (Electronics) + Suzueri (Prepared Piano,Self-made Instruments) Duo
- Tokisato Mitsuru (Self-made Instruments,etc) + Kobayashi Muku(Self-made Instruments,etc) + Nakamura Toshimaru (No-Input Mixing Board) Trio
- Matsuura Tomoya(exidiophone) Solo
portrait pic on the flyer by Yamamoto Yuu(I haven’t met him)