
【Performance】2023/05/13 "stain" @Kyushu University Ohashi Campus


I will appear in the performance/talk event “stain” on Saturday, May 13, 2023, Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University. ………


Wrote Article for 「クリティカル・ワード ポピュラー音楽」


I was in charge of writing a section of the book “クリティカル・ワード ポピュラー音楽 〈聴く〉を広げる・更新する(Critical Words: Expanding and Renewing Popular Music ………


Sound Design for "rode work ver. under city" by SIDE CORE


I did a sound design for the video work “rode work ver. under city” by the artists group SIDE CORE. SIDE CORE「rode work ver. under city」 会 ………


Review- A pick that strums the earth – Oshima Takuro「滑琴狂走曲 in 秋田!(カッキンラプソディー・イン・アキタ)」(2023/01/15)


I wrote a review for the event by Oshima Takuro 「滑琴狂走曲 in 秋田!(カッキンラプソディー・イン・アキタ)」(Kakkin Rhapsody in Akita!) held in Jan. 15, 2023 at Akita City ………


Participate in Maker Faire Kyoto 2019


I’m going to participate in Maker Faire Kyoto 2019 which will be held in May 4th&5th 2019, as Tomoya Matsuura and will exhibit & perform ………


Exhibition and Presentation of EDTAC at ICSAF2018


I will participate Inter College Sonic Arts Festival 2018 held in IAMAS(, Ogaki, Gifu in 2019/03/09~10. I will present my ………


2019/02/17 Performance in SLEEP 1 at 落合Soup


I will perform in an event “SLEEP #1” held at Ochiai Soup, Tokyo in 2019/02/17. The event is consists of performances and talks, I will ………


Opening a call for job gigs for 2019


I’m opening a call for job gigs for 2019 now. If you interested in, please check the link below. ………


1/6 Suidoubashi ftarri Live(Solo*2)


On 6th January, 2019, I’ll perform at Suidoubashi Ftarri. This day, I and Leo Okagawa will perform twice solo set. I’ll play with ………


Play in Algorave Tokyo 2018 August


I’ll play in Algorave Tokyo held in 19th Aug. at ANAGRA TOKYO. A reservation form is here I’ll play with my laptop ………
