【Performance】 Alternative Act 1.0 Tech Performance Fes.

published: 2018-04-03

last modified: 2018-11-28


In 2018/04/14(Sat)−15(Sun) at Kitasenju BUoY, I will perform at **Alternative Act 1.0 Tech Performance Fes. ** Also I am one of core member to run this event.

I’ll perform with my self-made electroacoustic instrument “Exidiophone”.



Oshima Takuro(04/14Guest)

Babytooth(Kamimura Megumi,Tsuda Michiko)(04/15Guest)

Tsuyoshi Otabe + Akiyuki Okayasu from BLOCKS modular


Kayering Wristband

Matsuura Tomoya

Takeishi Tatsuru

and more


2018/04/14 open 17:00 start 17:30 end 21:30

2018/04/15 open 15:00 start 15:30 end 19:30


Matsuura’s Performance

04/14 20:25~20:50

04/15 18:25~18:50


reserve 2500yen(door +500yen)

repeating discount -1000yen


Performance Overview

Solo Performance with Exidiophone

Sound Performance with a self-made electroacoustic instrument “Exidiophone”.

Exidiophone treats Larsen effect, a sound from speaker fed back into the speaker again through a microphone, as a main element of a musical instrument.

Idiophone is a one of classes of instrument by Sachs. The name idio- means “make sounds with object itself” like cymbals and a marimba, not like a membrane such as drums, a string such as a piano.

The word of “speaker” originally means person who speaks, so the speaker sounds louder voice instead of a human or replay an aural information by speaking a recorded voice. The word of “microphone” means picking up a small sound because it was originally used as an stethoscope.

If the speaker and the microphone could record/replay whole sounds on earth ,even though painted such areas, there are still unpainted area which can be generated only by speakers and microphones.

That sound can be said as unrecordable and unreplayable “sounds with speaker and microphone themselves”, this is the extended concept of the idiophone.

Milano Design Week 2018 …


【Exhibition&Performance】ー …
