I’ll play in Suidoubashi Ftarri 6th anniversary concert vol.3 in 13th Aug. https://www.ftarri.com/suidobashi/index-e.html ……
I’ll play as a member of Hasunuma Shuta Full-Philharmonic Orchestra in 18th Aug., at Sumida Triphony Hall. ………
I made a remix track for a Special Remix CD of “Anthropocene”, a new album of Shuta Hasunuma Philharmonic Orchestra. My track, ………
In 7/14, I’ll do a presentation about my self-made instrument “Exidiophone” in 42th regular meeting of The Musicological Society of ………
In 2018/7/1, I’ll play at Suidoubashi Ftarri. Other performers are Duo of Suzueri and Ikeda Ken, Trio of Tokisato Mitsuru, Kobayashi Muku and ………
A live event “Rokushou” which I , Masuda Yoshiki and Oka Chiho organized in the end of 2017, will be held in 6/22 and 7/27. This time of ………
I’ll participate School for Poetic Computation Fall 2018 in NY, from September to November! https://sfpc.io/ ……
I will play in KINK GONG JAPAN TOUR 2018 at IAF SHOP*, Yakuin, Fukuoka in 8th July, 2018. ……
I will attend International Conference NIME(New Interface for Musical Expression) 2018. Also exhibit my latest installation work “Aphysical ………
I played in open rehearsal of Shuta Hasunuma Full Philharmonic Orchestra in Shiseido Hanatsubaki Hall, Ginza, 26th, May, 2018. This was reviewed in ………