mimium: a Self-Extensible Programming Language for Sound and MusicTomoya Matsuura, Kazuhiro JoFARM 2021: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling, and Design
Exploring the Cross-Species Experience and the Coevolutionary Capacity: Sensorial Transcoding and Critical Play Design of Bio-Sonic SensePetros Ioannidis, Jung-ah Son, Hernani Villaseñor Ramírez, Tomoya MatsuuraRE: SOUND 2019–8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology 8
Aphysical Unmodeling Instrument: Sound Installation that Re-Physicalizes a Meta-Wind-Instrument Physical Model, WhirlwindTomoya Matsuura, Jo KazuhiroProceedings of the international conference on new interfaces for musical expression 2018